There really is something to be said about receiving mail. Not the electronic type we’ve all become quite accustomed to, but rather the old fashioned kind- stamps on the envelope and bulging more than just a little. Indeed, the stuff that shows up in your mailbox we all lovingly refer to as snail mail. I was fortunate to receive two “old school” missives recently and I would be remiss if I were to not share their contents with you.
The first was a delightful surprise when
Blogger Non-Virtual Secret Santa struck just barely after Christmas. My gift, a rather splendid array of music related homemade cards sent to me by Ruhee from . Some truly inspired selections Ruh, your efforts are thoroughly appreciated and I will in fact put them to very good use on a number of projects I am working on this year. I’m very impressed with the detail and cleverness that went into each of your designs. Thank you so very much. Be sure to check out
Ruh's website as well. It's full of all kinds of wonderful music related goodness.
Not soon after received that package did another arrive in the mailbox. This one was a little more conspicuous from some strange industrial address in New Jersey. I quickly surmised what in fact it was having almost forgotten I had ordered it in the fall. This was a little gift from
Brian Eno and David Byrne – The deluxe edition of
Everything Happens, Happens Today. And indeed it is deluxe. Two CD’s (the regular release and a bonus disc with four songs and multimedia content) are housed in a beautiful metal and plastic circular piece. This domestic scene design could best be compared to The Sims in appearance. As well, when the top is removed to
reveal its contents an electronic chip simulates knocking (or perhaps footsteps), until the top is put back in place. The package was designed by
Stefan Sagmeister, who received a Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package Grammy Award in 2005 for art direction on the
Talking Heads' Once in a Lifetime box set and designed the cover for
David Byrne's Feelings CD.
Sooooo, two exciting things to receive in the mail don’t you think? Did you receive any old school mail of any note this past holiday season?
I'm glad it made it to you safely, Sean! And of course, glad that you like them. :D Merry Christmas and happy new year -- hope they go to good use! (Hanging on a wall is good use too.) Thanks for the mention!
Both are fabulous! You must have been a very good boy in 2008 for Santa to give you such treats.
RUH- Thanks again. Your handiwork is amazing and very much appreciated!
Happy New Year to you and your family and friends as well.
BETH- I am always a good boy, that's why I always clean up with the loot! Perhaps I'll try the bad boy route this year and see where it gets me!
Those Ruh-made cards are absolutely adorable! Such a clever clever girl!
And how clever is your Eno/Byrne cd case? Too much fun. I would be constantly removing the lid.
All round, it's been a great time for real mail, and not just at your house either!
Does calling myself a 'mail whore' make me sound cheap? Don't care! Great cards and that's a nice can you got there from Byrne/Eno!
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